Tuesday, September 8, 2009

090909 - Esok hari apa???

Bestkan tarikh besok

Kalau bukan sebab bulan puasa

Rasanya dah berlambak² orang chop! tarikh esok untuk kawen

Opssss tapi saya bukanlah nak bercerita masalah kerja nikah kawen sebenarnya

Tapi anda, anda dan anda semua tahu tak besok hari apa??


Errrr....OK tepat sekali, tapi bukan itu yang saya maksudkan

Esok merupakan hari


Atau singkatannya adalah MUFORS

"Everyday we are bombarded with news of road accidents that often result in fatalities. The numbers are alarming as recent statistics from the Road Safety Department show that an average of 18 people are killed in road accidents everyday in Malaysia. The lives lost not only weigh heavily on the families that mourn them, but the country as well, for the passing of each of the thousands of lives lost on the road every year has an impact on the fabric of society and the economy.

But who is responsible for these very worrying numbers? We are quick to blame others and point out their weaknesses but unfortunately, we overlook the fact that we are often just as guilty of committing the same offenses and indulging in the same driving habits that lead to accidents. This vicious cycle has escalated to the point that many drivers no longer even think twice before doing something that they shouldn’t – it's as simple as "everyone else does it, why can't I?"

MUFORS is a community project that was set up not only to empower you, the Rakyat, to voice out your thoughts and concerns on road safety in the country but more importantly as a platform for all of us to take a minute to think about how we as road users can do our part to making our roads safer for all.

"Malaysians Unite for Road Safety" Day will fall on 9th September, 2009 (090909). In conjunction with MUFORS 090909, we are calling on all Malaysians to make a pledge on how to reduce accidents and save lives, and to honour these pledges on Wednesday, the 9th of September, 2009 between the hours of 9:00am-to-9:00pm. Our fervent hope is that these pledges honoured over a 12-hour period will transform into a lifetime of change.

Isn't it time we took matters into our own hands? Let's start taking responsibility for our own actions and pledge to save lives, our own and that of others, today. Let Malaysians Unite for Road Safety!"

Maka dengan ini saya berikrar:

1. Tidak akan menggunakan henpon sewaktu memandu

2. Akan mengikut hadlaju yang dibenarkan di atas jalanraya

3. Akan memastikan anak-anak saya memakai safety belt di tempat duduk belakang

4. Sentiasa memberikan signal sewaktu hendak masuk simpang, keluar simpang, menukar lorong

5. Saya akan memandu dengan penuh timbangrasa terhadap pengguna jalanraya yang lain termasuk jua pejalan kaki

I've done my part

How about you????

Untuk keterangan lanjut: http://www.090909.org.my/


KV said...

oohh, gitu.

jane_doe3328 said...

Iyer kak KV, jom jadi pemandu berhemah start besok :)

nasaoji said...

esok birthday kawan baik saya... :)

wahh...hurrmmm..saya pun harus berhati2 la, tp, asben yg drve..tak per, saya ingtkan dia la...;p

:: LadyVerde + Mr.Doc :: said...

hmmmm nak ikut skali berikrar tp part takley gune hp during driving tue cam takleh laaa babe...

coz slalu je stuck in traffic jam...so pengubat kestress-an ialah surfing the net! hehehe

abrahyn said...

huhuhu...aku tak tau pon...! sungguh fail pengetahuan am aku :(

Unknown said...

hari nih saya jadi pemandu berhemah sebab saya jai penunggang moto..



jane_doe3328 said...

takpe, kalau gitu jadilah pemantau kepada pemandu terbabit :)

kalau lam jem takpe :P

alah aku tau sebab tgk wanita hari ini masa MC miscarriage dulu

Hahaha tekujat saya dok pikir Muhammad mana laaa pulak neh

Kawen jgn lupa jempot eh :)